Contact Us Featured Image For VETS365 Website-Veteran Standing With Daughter in front of Shipping Container

Get Involved – Contact us to Volunteer or Donate Via Paypal

The Team at VETS365 relies on support from the community. Both time and money spent with VETS365 perpetuate the ecosystem needed to provide Modern Obtainable housing to many Homeless Veterans in California, Nevada and Georgia. Patrons that wish to support the mission financially are also dearly appreciated as funding is required to both build and sustain the mission. Patrons may donate by clicking the “Donate Now” button below. You will be redirected to our PayPal profile where your donation will be processed. The Team at VETS365 will make sure to provide our business leaders with any documentation needed to validate the donation as well.

We can not thank you enough for your support and are grateful for this opportunity to strike out at Veteran Homelessness as Cooperative Community.

Please complete the contact us form below to reach out to the VETS365 team to connect and explore opportunities to affect the positive change you wish to see on Veteran Homelessness.